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韩国原创品牌Miming Project围巾




发现Miming Project, 源于一位韩国友人的介绍,仔细了解后,发现该品牌的创始人有着和现在多数年轻人相同的境遇 – 对工作环境不满,和对心中理想的追求,最终她们勇敢地迈出了一步,有了现在呈现在大家眼前的Miming Project。为了给大家更多启发,Dope10最棒单和Miming Project的主理人来了一次对谈,谈品牌,谈韩国时尚,其实,任何一个品牌,都希望你在购买的同时,能理解他们所传达的心意。

miming logo

Dope10最棒单: 能简单的跟大家介绍下你们的品牌吗?为什么会选择配件作为品牌的产品核心?

Mi&Ming: 我们是来自韩国首尔的Miming Project,我是Mimi,她是Ming,我们曾在同一家服装公司工作。当时的工作环境之苛刻和压抑,让我们几乎无法承受 ,也可能正因为这样,出现了一个很小却又很重大的转折点 – 突然有一天,Ming带来一条她逛街时淘来的围巾,我们都特别喜欢,同时觉得我们俩也可以设计出这样的产品,那么为什么不呢?所以这是我们事业的开端,为了开心快乐,这才是我们两个所追求的。


Dope10最棒单: 你们在instagram上的品牌简介是“make easy stuffs”, 做产品的过程真的那么easy吗?有什么可以分享的故事吗?

Mi&Ming: 正如我们所希望的那样,Miming Project是日常生活的一个释放口,它应该有趣,简单,舒服,所以“easy ”这个词只是一个美好的愿景,制作产品的过程当然没那么简单。与其称呼它们为“产品”或“系列”,我们更想用拟人化的称谓,赋予他们完整的人格,希望它们可以贴心的陪伴顾客度过美好的每一天。



Dope10最棒单: Miming Project整体呈现出一种朴素美学,这是你们个人偏爱的风格吗?你们还有什么其他喜欢的品牌吗?

Mi&Ming: Mingming Project的整体风格就是我们个人的穿戴风格,简单而舒服。我们还喜欢A.P.C, 优衣库, 无印良品这样的简约,基本款品牌,但同时我们也喜欢Dries Van Noten, Isabel Marant这样较先锋的品牌,我们从这些品牌受益良多,并逐渐将Miming Project更加完善。



Dope10最棒单: 韩国时尚业目前在世界上有着不容小视的位置,你们怎样定义2015的“韩范儿“?

Mi&Ming五年前的韩国年轻人喜欢跟风,如果一个品牌很流行,那么每个人都会穿,所以大家造型都差不多。但随着越来越多的日本及欧美快时尚品牌,如优衣库,ZARA, FOREVER 21等进入韩国,时尚产业变的更多样化更快,现在年轻人越来越有自己的穿衣风格,而不是去效仿别人,所以快时尚真是一个非常不错的现象。



Dope10最棒单: 你们有喜欢的中国设计师或华裔设计师吗?如果有,想跟他们有怎样的合作?

Mi&Ming我们都喜欢Alexander Wang,他的作品简单却让人印象深刻,并且人看上去很性感。我们从他的身上汲取到很多灵感,但说到合作的话,哈哈,恐怕还是不要了,他整个人太有范儿了,我们怕是无法专注在设计上,只看着他就够了。



Dope10最棒单: 你们觉得Miming Project会吸引怎样的顾客?有设想过他们的穿衣风格是怎样的吗?

Mi&Ming任何穿衣风格都可以驾驭Miming Project的产品,我们认为生活态度才是最重要的,希望每位顾客都能有着积极乐观的生活态度,这样才能将Miming Project的精髓满格发射。

Below is the English version of the interview

Dope10: Could you introduce yourself briefly? How did you get into designing accessories?

Mi&MingHello, we are Mimi & Ming as directors of Miming Projects. We used to work in a fashion company in Seoul, Korea. Being a fashion designer in a company was not as much fun we thought or we imagined. The company we involved in was more like factory. It was the time we are actually both having mentally and physically hard time as fashion designers. One day, Ming brought her new scarf from shopping and, we loved it. we thought we could design our own scarves and also sell. This is our beginnings of designing scarves. Yes, this is our business but, we are having so much fun from Miming Projects.


Dope10: The bio on your instagram writes “making easy stuffs”, is that really easy to make Mimingproject poducts?Are there any fun stories in production for share?

Mi&MingAs we mentioned, Miming Projects is our exit from our common daily life. This has to be fun, simple and comfy. (+ cozy). This is why we use the work ‘Easy’.  Not making ‘Easy’.  So, instead of saying Product or Collection, we chose to say ‘stuff’ because we want Miming projects belongs to our customers’ daily life very closely.

Dope10:  The miming project products are all of a plain aesthetic, is that your personal preference? And are there any fashion icons or brands to look up to?

Mi&MingOf course, we add our own taste to Miming design. We both love simple and cozy styles. We all love A.P.C, UNIQLO, and MUJI. Meanwhile, we also like and love Dries Van Noten and, Isabel Marant. So we study and learn from them to apply on our Miming Projects.


Dope10:  Korea fashion now plays a very important role in the fashion industry, how do you define a typical Korea style for 2015?(any trend forecast?)

Mi&MingAbout 5 years ago, everyone in Korea wears same styles of clothing. If one brand or style got popular, everyone just wear like others just wear. However, ZARA, UNIQLO, H&M, FOREVER 21 came to Korea, fashion industry in Korea moves very diverse and fast. People wear their clothes with their own style, they no longer wear how others wear like 5 or 10 years ago.  The fast fashion industries brought issues but at the same time they give people more chances to have more different fashion styles in Korea.

Dope10:  Do you know any Chinese fashion designer?If you know, do you want to have any collaborations with them?

Mi&MingWe love Alexander Wang, his work is simple, unique  and excited. We benefit from his fashion sense. But, on top of anything, he is so sexy that we would not concentrate on design if collaborate with him. We are just going to gaze at him all day lol.

Dope10: Do you have any expectations over the customers?Like how they gonna dress themselves?

Mi&MingAny style could be fine because we did make Miming Project simple and cozy to fit any style. But, personally we hope positive and comfy-minded people love our products. Or, after people buy our products, they could feel comfy and happy.
